Characteristics of Columns
- A column expresses the personal viewpoints of an individual.
- Includes research and facts.
- Should be fair and accurate in the information they use.
- Includes point of view on subjects.
Common Types of Columns
- News columns: focus on a recents news event
- Profile columns: focus on an outstanding individual
- Fashion and fad columns: focus on trends
- Club columns: focus on activities of campus clubs
- Newsmaker columns: highlight prominent students, teachers and administrators
- Vary your subject matter.
- Look for oddities and the unusual.
- Use an offbeat style.
- Keep it short and to the point.
- Admit when you make a mistake.
- Have a genuine interest in your readers.
- Write for your readers instead of yourself.
- Embarrass anyone without real reason.
- Assume that you always know best.
- Claim all the credit.
- Overuse the work "I".
- Assume that your ideas and experiences are always fascinating to others.
- Hesitate to give both sides of the story.